Bella Italia


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I know you've all been waiting for my overdue arrival into the world of blogging (please note the sarcasm) but to be completely honest, I haven't been inspired by anything for quite a long time.

This all seems to have magically changed in the last couple of weeks as I found out that I got into International Studies and I will be going to Italy for a year. I am so excited that to be honest, I just can't hide it anymore. 

While I am looking forward to the food (my life revolves around it, what of it?) and the beautiful architecture, I am extremely excited about the way of life. I conjure up images of late nights wandering through little alleyways and seeing what the country has to offer.

While I have never been to Italy, or Europe for that matter, I don't want to have the generic tourist experience. Sure, I'd love to go and see the Duomo, the Tower of Piza, Venice and the other popular haunts but I want to get to the essence of what Italy is about. I don't know exactly what it is but I know that I'll have a damn good time searching for it. 

(Source: Tumblr)

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